Friday 29 September 2017

The End of term 3!!!

It’s the last day of term 3! This term has gone to fast, there is only One more term until it’s Christmas! I am really sad to see the year end so fast, I am going to miss all my friends, and also teachers. But it's alright because they is only one more term, and once it hits term 4 I am going to spend every moment's with my year 8's friends.

This Morning we had our final assembly for term 3. It was a really long assembly but I really enjoyed the assembly with some special things happening, in the morning. As Soon as assembly started I really exit iced to see my friends going up to the stage to celebrate the win of coming first for the sevens Tournament. I was really proud of the Sevens teams, because they had practise everyday and all the practises was payed off.

After they got their medals and we all clapped for them, They then sang their song that they have been practising while they were at Tauranga. Then the Moment I have been waiting for, Their Haka. I was nearly in tears, while they were doing their aka. It was a emotional assembly, but it was all worth the practise, for the sevens.

If the girls went Tauranga do you think we would've came first as well? I am really proud of my friends . This is going to be the last post for this term.

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